Tips To End Screen Time 4.9 (8)

Tips To End Screen Time 4.9 (8)

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Tips To End Screen Time

As a mother to a toddler, I have struggled a lot to tell my son Aveer to stop seeing TV/screen after a certain time. I used to tell him, “Aveer, only two minutes, come here and let us do an activity.” And, like many of you my this statement either used to get ignored or being grunted at.

Two minutes later, as a typical mom, I will barge into the living room and will turn off the TV or iPad or iPhone thinking now he will listen to me. But instead, I used to get screams and tantrums. Initially, I thought it will improve and he will learn but then I realized something is wrong with my approach. And, one day I learned from one of my friends, there was when she introduced me to a parenting technique by Isabelle Filliozat.

Isabelle Filliozat is a world-renowned french psychologist who has authored many books about babies, their behavior, education, and positive parenting.

As I practiced her technique, my world started changing. It became easier for me to handle Aveer and end screen time without screams and tantrums.

This is what I learned from her and from my own experience.

Tips To End Screen Time Without Screams And Tantrums

The basis of the technique is based on two realities.

  • All children want to communicate and want you to understand them.
  • All practices are driven by three sound needs: power, insight, association.

Let us take an example to help you understand better. Suppose, if you are watching a suspense movie and suddenly your baby switches off the screen. What will be your reaction?

It’s hard, isn’t it? Since you are in that state of pleasure while watching something on the screen. I hope you can understand if it is so hard at that time for us adults, how difficult it will be for the kids. Yes, it can be devastating for them.

For those of you who still have doubt let me help you out with some scientific reasoning. When we watch TV or scree, our brain makes a compound named as Dopamine, which relieves stress and pain. Hence, when the screen is turned off suddenly, Dopamine levels come down fast and without any warning to the brain. This drop-in levels causes shock and hence screaming.

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Do you face challenges with getting your baby off the screen? Does it often end in screaming and tantrums? If yes, this could help.

Tip  Make a Bridge

What is this Bridge? It is a technique that helps you to enter into the world of the baby, to bring them out of the world of screentime to the real world.

Does it sound mystical? Well, it’s not. You just need to remember the two bases which we discussed earlier.

It simply means whenever you want the screentime to end, you need to sit down with the baby and communicate with her/him about what’s happening in there. Suppose, if the baby is watching Peppa Pig, your question could be about, “Can you tell me what’s happening with Peppa?” or “Who is there with Peppa?” or “How does Peppa Pig do?” Wait for 30 seconds.

Also, surprisingly, simple questions like, “what are you watching?” can also work.

Kindly do understand that babies love when their parents take interest in their activities and get involved. They feel privileged.

If you feel that your baby is not reciprocating to your initial questions, don’t worry, and have patience. Stay there for a bit more and then ask about something which is happening on the screen.

Now, once a child starts interacting with you and starts reciprocating, that’s when you have developed that bridge. Now, it’s fairly easy for you to interact more and take them away from the screen zone to the real world.

Now is the time, have a smile on your face, and try to communicate that it is the end of screen time. Because of the bridge, your baby will be in a position to listen up and understand. Still, try to be gentle and subtle, that is the key. She/he might be so happy that you have shown interest in her/his activity that she/he might switch off the screen herself/himself.

To be honest, it really helped me to understand what’s happening in my baby’s mind. It wasn’t smooth always but I never have scream time now.

Tip – Utilise Technology

Yes, you heard it right. Use technology to your advantage.

If you aren’t aware, there is a function known as Screen Time on Apple Devices. By setting the kid’s devices as a family you can control the majority of it.

You can set hours of “downtime” where your baby will be able to see the screen and go online. On top of it, you can set APP LIMITS too.

It can be as simple as if they played games for some predetermined time as categorized by you, the games apps will be blocked and it can only be reactivated if approved by you post sending a request.

It also helps you to understand where your baby is spending time and how much. This can actually work very well until they require gadgets for their daily use and work.

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Try It!

I know many of you might feel this doesn’t work or my baby is different. I will only ask you to try this technique of building a bridge.

Spend some time with your baby and ask an innocent question. Take interest in what they are watching.

Once they start responding, you’ve made a bridge. Now you just need to talk him through to whatever you want him to do.

It really helped me and I am sure it will help you too. Let me know, how it helped you and please share this with others so that everyone can get benefit.

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5 tips to get a newborn sleep longer 5 (28)

5 tips to get a newborn sleep longer 5 (28)

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5 Tips To Get Newborn Sleep Longer

As a newborn photographer, I have seen many exhausted and sleep-deprived parents coming for the photoshoot with their precious newborns & is, most of the time, one of the problems they want the solution for.

Mostly, during this conversation, I remember the time Aveer (my son) was born and how Manish (my hubby) & I managed to ensure he gets proper sleep ensuring we are not exhausted. It was important for us since Manish had an office and I had to take care of the home and a baby throughout the day alone.

Fortunately, we got hold of ourselves well in time, equipped ourselves with some key newborn sleep realities, tried a few things, and implemented it to the best of our abilities which resulted in sound sleeps at nights and a happier baby during the day.

Tips To Help Newborn Sleep for Longer Stretches

To be honest, I should admit it’s not a perfect process. One needs to experiment and see what works well for the baby. It’s all about trying and adopting what works well for your baby.

We used the below-mentioned tips for our son and he never gave us any problems. He slept so well, Manish & I enjoyed time with each other. On top of it, whenever Aveer was awake, he used to be happy and engaging.

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Fortunately, we got hold of ourselves well in time, equipped ourselves with some key newborn sleep realities, tried a few things, and implemented it to the best of our abilities which resulted in sound sleeps at nights and a happier baby during the day.

Tip #1 – Swaddle Your Baby

Till five months, babies have a startle reflex, in which they feel as if they are falling. The vibe of falling jerks them causing them to wake up. Swaddling keeps infants from frightening themselves, helping the baby to rest more. Ensure to swaddle the baby cozily.

I will recommend Muslin Swaddle Wraps & PEUBUD Swaddle Pod. Muslin is a natural fiber and is very soft for a baby’s skin. Further, it is stretchable and breathable. Swaddle Pod is helpful as one doesn’t have to spend time learning how to swaddle a baby.

Regardless of whether your child appears to hate the wrap-up, I would still recommend continuing attempting. Do understand that it is a natural inclination for an infant to appreciate a coziness around them since that’s how they were in the womb.

We quit wrapping up once Aveer could routinely get his arms out and turn over. We kept on utilizing HALO sleep sack which we wrapped up around his body, forgetting about his arms.

Tip #2 – Dream Feed

Exactly as it sounds, dream feed means feeding your newborn when they are still asleep. Along with that, you need to take care to give the feed to the baby just before you go to bed. It is good if both of these things coincide. It helps by ensuring the baby doesn’t get up once you have dozed off.

Isn’t it frustrating, you just went to bed and your baby wakes up?

The dream feed can enable your infant to rest for more while you rest. We utilized it until about age 6 months. After this, it began to disturb the sleep.

By and large, if your baby can sleep for 3-4 hours during the night in the first 6 weeks, it is great! From 6-12 weeks a baby can get a 4-6 hour sleep at a stretch at times for a few babies it can go up till 8-9 hour.

Generally getting newborns to sleep through the night refers to a 6 hour stretch of rest. An infant’s stomach is small hence I used to feed every 2-2.5 hours during the day, bunch feed in the evening, AND dream feed at night. The more calories you can give during the day, the less they may require at night.

One more thing which we did was to express the milk. It gave us a chance to take turns and feed the baby. It was really helpful as this meant one of us was asleep for a min of 5 hours at a stretch. I must admit dream feed along with the help from your better half can work wonders.

I am also mentioning a schedule for the baby, we followed for the first three months:

  • 7:00 am – Good Morning, feed, play
  • 8:00 am – Bathing and massage
  • 8:30 am – Feed, sleep
  • 10:00 am – Feed, play
  • 11:30 am – Sleep
  • 1:00 pm – Feed, play
  • 2:30 pm – Sleep
  • 4:00 pm – Feed, play
  • 5:30 pm – Sleep
  • 7:00 – Feed, play
  • 8:30 pm – Feed (bunch feed), sleep
  • 10:30 pm – Dream feed
  • 10:30 pm – 7 am – night feeds as required.
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Tip #3 – 2 To 2.5hours Sleep At A Stretch In A Day

I know it’s very difficult to wake an innocent and sleepy newborn, however, sleeping excessively for a long stretch during the day can hamper night sleep. We used to ensure not to let Aveer sleep more than a 2 – 2.5hour mark. I would feel free to wake him up, feed him, keep him awake for some time, and afterward lay him down for another snooze.

If you think your baby needs some more time to sleep and want to increase the time limit to 2.5 hours, please do so. Planning sleeps during the day will enable your baby to rest better around during the night. It additionally empowers you to give more feedings during the day, which is extremely useful.

There were, obviously, times where Aveer was overtired and required a little recuperation snooze. We used to let him be and afterward began refocusing with our day by day schedule.

Tip #4 – White Noise

New noises are attractive to the baby and older noises soothing. Hence, if your baby is tuning in to all the fun going on in the house it tends to be difficult to nod off and stay asleep.

As a newborn photographer, I always had a white noise devise with me which really helped. You can also use white noise, it’s worthwhile investing in one when you see your baby having a sound sleep every time he/she goes to bed. I recommend Baby Shusher. I have used it personally and can vouch for its quality. It is also very portable and sleek and really helps while travelling. You don’t have to tell your friends and relatives to be quiet while making baby sleep. 

You can also place a table fan on medium in the infant’s room. Ensure it’s not straightforwardly close to the baby and it doesn’t blow on him/her or sit excessively near his delicate ears. 

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Tip #5 – Feed, Wake, Sleep

This is known as Feed, Wake and Sleep cycle. The newborn wakes up from sleep and takes a feed. Then it plays for a while and has that energy as well. After sometime newborn again returns to sleep…

This cycle is very helpful.

  • It energizes the newborn once he/she is awake.
  • Baby generally takes a full feed before getting fully awake as there are no other distractions.
  • It helps baby not to associate feed with the sleep and only night feed can be associated with sleep.

Obviously, there were times where I fed Aveer before him getting to bed. He required it and you get to know, but generally, I tried not to make it a habit and give a feed before sleep.

Note: Babies require frequent feedings and sleep to ensure good development and growth in the initial months. I would suggest to feed your newborn as and when he/she needs it to ensure solid weight gain.

Along with this cycle, it is always advisable to make a routine. They are an excellent tool to help newborns. Routine can be anything from taking baby to his/her cot, reading bed time stories, a few cuddles, turning on the white noise to a gentle massage. Following the same routine will help your baby to respond and get used to it.

Bonus Tip – Diaper Change Strategy

The strategy is to always change the diaper before giving feed specifically at midnight. This is to ensure that child doesn’t come out of his/her sleep and is not too awake. Actually baby is partially awake while taking a feed and if you change the diaper post that, there are chances he/she may become too awake, making it difficult for you to make him/her sleep again. 

There might be chances of baby pooping right after taking feed but do understand, it happens mostly with under 4 weeks babies. With the time baby’s gut matures and he/she is able to digest the feed. That’s when you will not see any poop post the feed and you definitely know that it’s the time to ahead and change the diaper before the feed.

Also, try not to rush in if the baby crying in the night to soothe him/her after the first 6 weeks. It’s a bad habit to start with. Generally, when baby rustles at night, it often goes back to sleep all by himself/herself. Give your baby some time to adjust and settle.

I hope with these tips you will be able to ensure your baby sleeps longer at a stretch and you will also get sufficient sleep to recharge your batteries.

Let me know if it works for you or there is something else that you tried and helped you. It might help others reading this blog. 

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5 Best Books for Infants (6 months old) to Toddlers (3 years old) 4.4 (22)

5 Best Books for Infants (6 months old) to Toddlers (3 years old) 4.4 (22)

Best Books for Infants to toddlers

5 Best Books for Infants (6 months old) to Toddlers (3 years old)

A newborn child won’t comprehend all that you’re doing or why. Yet, reading is an important activity you should pursue and should continue for years to come.

It teaches babies about communication and helps them understand the concept of numbers, letters, hues, shapes, and gives infants info about their general surroundings in a great way. It also builds their listening habit, memory, and vocabulary skills.

Hearing words assists with building a rich network of words in a child’s mind. I have experienced it myself while I have been reading regularly to Aveer since when he was 5 months old.

Firstly we get a lot of books for babies in the market including famous ones like The Hungry Caterpillar, Brown Bear, and so on. But today I want to tell you about the top 5 books which you can buy for infants which can help them till they are toddlers! So from 6 months to around 3 years. I have based my review on my understanding and the improvements I have seen in Aveer in vocabulary or habits or identification of various things including animals, birds, letters, and numbers.

Let’s start:

I have discovered these facts in the last 2.5 years of reading to Aveer and are totally based on my journey as a Mother.

I have felt that these books ensure a smooth and engaging learning session and development of the baby.

Book #1 – PEEK-A-BOO by Ladybird Publications

Okay, so the very first recommendation which I have is of this Touch and Feel Book named PEEKABOO from Ladybird Publications.

This book has bright colors, very nice touch-and-feel elements which infants enjoy and it is a board book which is the primary thing which I have looked for whenever buying books for Aveer till now. One important thing in this book is that it has tiny flaps that can help the infant develop their motor skills as and when they try to turn those pages. It has some lovely cartoon characters which are very attractive for infants.

When Aveer was 6 months old, he just liked to flip flop the pages, touch the characters and it used to be a fun activity during the day time. When he grew 1.2 years he used to identify himself and us in the mirror and he learned different regular things like the bunny hops, the tiger roars, and the tractor does Chugh-Chugh.

And now that he is 2 years old, he has finally started identifying the objects and relating the scenarios in the book – like the baby is sitting on a hot air balloon and the hot air balloon goes in an upward direction, helicopter flies above the clouds, even about the colors – he now identifies that mamma this is a black cat, and he sees the mirror and when asked, who’s in the mirror? He says, mamma, Papa or Aveer whomsoever he can see.

So as you can see that his milestones have grown along reading this book and even now, sometimes he picks up this book for reading time!

Book #2 – Board Books by Solimo

The next book or set of books that I want to talk about is this beautiful set of 10 board books from Solimo.

This pack is amazing and the best thing which I like about it is that each book has real-life characters. This was my conscious decision to buy a board book that will have the real-life characters which Aveer can see and identify, unlike the animated characters.

So when Aveer was 6 months old, I ordered this pack and used to show him the pictures, turning the book page by page and talking to him about the objects. He learned a lot from these books including fruits and vegetables, animals, birds, and regular common use objects. I also ensured to show him the real fruits or veggies while reading.

It wasn’t that he started understanding things from the first day but honestly, I did get surprised when one fine day he picked up an onion from the wicker basket and told me Mumma “Anion.” It was so pleasing and heartwarming he said Mumma Nanna – for banana and gradually started picking other words.

And now that he is a toddler, he has started picking up Alphabets and counting – which he is still learning. This book set is something which I still use for him and I highly recommend this one to all parents.

Tip #3 – INCY WINCY SPIDER by igloo books

This book is very appropriate in size for babies – they can easily hold it – whether they are infants or toddlers. I think apart from mini board books, this is the perfect size which I have come across for baby books.

This book has a sound button. Aveer cherishes finding the button and making the music play and viewing while I sing along and do the hand activities. It can get somewhat repetitive but we made incy wincy spider remixes as my little one loved squeezing the button to such an extent!

When Aveer was an infant he used to love the sound and bright colors a lot. Pressing the button and listening was his favorite thing. He improved his motor skills trying to press the button a little harder and then turning the pages also helped him develop his hand-eye coordination.

Around 1.75 years, I understood that he has learned the rhyme and the tune of the rhyme. He started humming the tune and singing the rhyme. He also understood the concept of rain showers come due to clouds in the sky and when the sun comes rain goes away.

Book #4 – FIVE LITTLE KITTENS by Little Bee

The next book on my list is this beautiful book called FIVE LITTLE KITTENS by Little Bee – when I saw this book, I knew I have to buy this! This book has this beautiful feature where a baby can slide the cats and the cats are embossed for giving a touch and feel feature.

When I introduced this book to him for the first time as an infant, all he loved to do was trying to touch and move the kittens – he loved that! When he was around a year, he started identifying hidden cats. Also started understanding about the garden, rabbits, dogs, and of course about cats through this book. All he used to say when he was between 1-1.5 years old was catty, bow-bow and he just loved it if he used to spot a dog or cat. Maybe he developed that fascination through this book. I feel books just help them to widen their imagination and learn new things every day as babies are very smart and they grasp quickly!

He also learned saying the number 5 due to the title of this book and counting from 1 to 5. And now that Aveer is already a toddler, he knows that the cat is playing peekaboo and he loves to play hide and seek with us! He just loves it and can play on and on and on! He does try to hide at new places and find us if we are hiding and he is seeking. A must-have for little ones.

Book #5 – SHARE by Autumn Publications

Share by Autumn Publishing
Thank you by Autumn Publishing
Sorry by Autumn Publishing
Please by Autumn Publishing

Alright now coming to the 5th book which I recommend and that is this book called SHARE by Autumn Publications.

This is such a fantastic book I must say as it has inculcated a habit of Sharing in him gradually. This has a series of books and we have other books also in this like Please, Thankyou, etc. I particularly picked up this one as I wanted him to have this habit.

The size of this book is again apt for infants and toddlers and this book also has some amazing colorful illustrations.

As an infant, Aveer loved to turn the pages, see colorful illustrations for hours!

This book has a beautiful story on sharing and the message has been beautifully explained.

When Aveer turned around 1.5 years, he started recognizing so many animals just because of this book! Lemur is something he learned to identify because of this book and he used to name this book Lemur book! He also learned about Tapir, about monkey having banana from a tree, and learned to identify Toucan bird with a beautiful beak through this book.

Now when he is around 2 I have observed that he doesn’t have much problem sharing his things with others. He is more than happy calling his friends at home and playing with them. I must say that kids start understanding and grasp the deeper messages which these books are meant to impart.

I hence for sure recommend this series of books if you are looking to teach some good habits to your child right from early on.

So, friends, these were my recommendations on 5 best baby books for infants (6 months) to toddlers (3 years) which are going to ensure that your investment multiplies as you will see your kids achieve so many milestones along the journey.

If you try out any of these books, do let me know in the comments below and I will love to hear your feedback! Also, let me know any other book or series of books you feel helped your baby consistently from infants to toddler years.

Happy Parenthood!

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5 Tips for Gorgeous Newborn Photoshoot Session 5 (9)

5 Tips for Gorgeous Newborn Photoshoot Session 5 (9)

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5 Newborn Photography Session Tips for Parents

During the first few years of your baby’s life, you’ll click hundreds of photographs. And for sure amongst all those photographs newborn photographs are precious, valuable, and timeless. It takes a special setting, tone, and a professional newborn photographer to guarantee that those photographs are as commendable as they have the right to be. Professional tips during the newborn photoshoot can really help parents to have an enjoyable photoshoot without any extra stress.
As you are aware, with babies things don’t generally go along as planned or scheduled, which is the reason we generally give the perfect condition and encourage newborn-led photoshoot sessions. In all honesty, your readiness to allow your newborn baby to “be” their own self, a brief smile, squints, and even an old fashioned design whine – ensures that the photographs will fascinate you and other family members for a lifetime.

Tips for Enjoying Newborn Photo Session

We should discuss what newborn baby led photography really implies. It means that when I style the baby for a particular pose and the baby is ready to go on a prop for let’s say, a bum up position, yet everything that the baby accomplishes that time is not even close to that pose but twisted up aside, then I don’t force them into the pose which I was attempting. Rather, I promptly shift gears and advance to that pose which baby gets into automatically that time, to capture an ideal photograph. It likewise implies that when newborn baby cries, and you have to feed the baby, that is completely fine – and no motivation to feel pushed or sorry. Your newborn baby’s essential requirements always come first.

As you now have an idea, hence we should now proceed with the tips I have discovered in the last 7 years of my journey as a Newborn baby photographer to ensure a smooth session and gorgeous photos.

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I have discovered these tips in the last 7 years of my journey as a Newborn baby photographer to ensure a smooth session and gorgeous photos.

Your newborn baby will be leading the session for me and I always go with the Baby’s flow during the session. 

Tip #1 – Don’t focus too much on a pose you wanted, focus on the moments.

There are many gorgeous newborn photographs you can see over the internet and it’s always very easy to visualize your baby in those postures or props. We do understand your willingness and desire to imitate the same, this time with your baby.

But in all actuality, your newborn baby will be leading the session and I always go with the baby’s flow during the sessions. Hence, it will always be on the baby whether they want to get into a particular pose or not. A baby might or might not. Too much stress on achieving a particular pose will make the baby irritated and an unpleasant experience for you too. We never overpower a baby’s instincts and push them into a posture or prop If they are not happy in. Though we do have a plan for babies if they feel irritated in between and to ensure they are well taken care of.

I ensure that once you get your photoshoot from us, you’ll have wonderful photographs you’ll cherish for years to come.

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Tip #2 – Keep your day free.

It is very important to choose a day when you don’t have anything else to do – no gatherings, no physical checkups, no elsewhere to-be-at-a-particular time. The hectic schedules leads to stress on parents which can also be seen on baby and he/she might feel irritated. A clear schedule helps keeps parents stress free, and babies too, which leads to an extraordinary beginning to a fruitful newborn baby photoshoot.

We’ll begin in the late morning and the photoshoot can easily run around three hours – a lot of time for anything you or child need, and for us to ensure that we have captured those magical shots.

Tip #3 – Ensure to answer the calls and read the messages from your photographer.

We need to speak with you well before time so that we can get some answers concerning:

  • Photoshoot theme design and colour schemes
  • Poses if you have any in mind
  • Space (s) we’ll use if the shoot is at your place (ideally an 8-foot by 8-foot space is accessible so we can have a lot of room for our props and our lights)
  • Ensuring your photoshoot is reserved at least 2-3 days after or before baby’s vaccination. 
  • Other details that are ideal to plan for your Photoshoot 

It is ideal to have all the information and other important details to ensure an amazing experience for you. It will also enable us so that we can organise everything before hand and save precious time during the photoshoot.

Tip #4 – Moms to avoid Gassy Foods before session

It is a well known fact that whatever the mom eats will have an impact on her baby. Hence it is very important for the moms to avoid a few foods which can make babies gassy and uncomfortable at least 2 days before the photoshoot. Things like raw onions, garlic, cruciferous veggies, and lots of spicy food get through your breastmilk and can prompt an uncomfortable newborn baby. Hence, we suggest you avoid the following foods:

  • Beans
  • Veggies like (broccoli, cabbage, and so on.)
  • Heavy garlic or onions
  • Spicy nourishments
  • Common food allergens, similar to soy, peanuts, and so on.

Keep your eating schedule moderate at least  2 days before the photoshoot.

Tip #5 – A well fed baby ensures a good session

We realize that things don’t generally work out as expected (modest representation of the truth of the year for those with babies).

We suggest to feed your child a few hours before the photoshoot and put them down for sleep. When they awaken – give them their shower in Luke warm water, followed by their massage. Put on a new diaper, and wrap them in a warm, delicate blanket which is easy to take off for wrapping them during the session. Then feed the baby just before the photoshoot starts.

This means baby is prepared before the shoot starts and there is nothing better than shooting a well-fed newborn baby

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Along with the above points, ensure to keep a bag handy with everything you use to soothe your baby, including a pacifier (if you utilize one), a breastfeeding-friendly shirt if you have, delicate blanket, burp clothes, newborn baby wipes and diapers.

So these were the tips which can help you as parents to have a wonderful and fun-filled newborn photoshoot session. You can also share these with someone known who might find these useful.

Hope the tips will help you to schedule your Newborn Photoshoot in a more informed manner. Thank you so much for stopping by!

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Questions to ask while selecting a Newborn Photographer 4.9 (18)

Questions to ask while selecting a Newborn Photographer 4.9 (18)

Newborn Photography

Questions to Ask While Selecting a Newborn Photographer!

Bringing home, a newborn baby is one of the best moments in your life! You’re feeling a lot of emotions like love, excitement among others. As a Mumbai Newborn Photographer and Professional Mommy (ha!) to Aveer (2.5 years), I can suggest that of all the childhood photographs you’ll ever take, your baby’s newborn photoshoot will always be dear to you.

The newborn stage is very unique and is filled with enchantment and love. It’s momentary and passes by very quickly than you’ll imagine. While you are expecting, you imagine the baby’s face, envision holding them, and can’t stand by to meet the little one! It will not be wrong to say that a newborn baby is the exemplification of a parent’s deepest desires.

Hence, it becomes very important for you to choose your newborn photographer and also get your photoshoot scheduled well on time. Selecting your newborn baby photographer should be something you need to figure out in the mid of your second trimester.

I suggest you finalize your choice by 32nd week (by 28th week if you are expecting multiples) and making a booking. If you book late, you risk your favorite photographer of not having availability, so book a temporary date ahead of schedule to make sure about your space!

It should be an enjoyable journey. However, there are numerous interesting points to consider and numerous choices to be made, so it could become overwhelming.

The newborn stage is very unique and is filled with enchantment and love. It’s momentary and passes by very quickly than you’ll imagine.

There are two things, a parent should never settle on: baby safety and experience.

Recruiting a good professional artist is a choice you’ll never regret making.

Since each photographer is different, you must ask questions while you are exploring your choices and attempting to settle on which photographic artist to pick.

My point in this blog is to impart some significant bits of knowledge based on my 7 years of experience as a specialist in maternity and newborn photography.

The questions I am recommending are important. Honestly, package costs and expenses are consistently a good topic to ask and it is generally the primary question everyone asks… however, there are numerous other things important than an investment alone where one should focus on. In this post, I will assist you with finding a photographer that you can associate with and trust. The questions you ask will assist you to ensure that you are well informed while considering your choices. You will be in a superior situation to decide whether that potential photographer is a true match for your necessities and style.

There are two things, a parent should never settle on when choosing their Newborn Baby Photographer: baby safety and photographer’s experience. Recruiting a good professional artist is a choice you’ll never regret making.

In the realm of photography, there are numerous things you should observe. Since babies can get injured during a newborn baby photoshoot if an unpractised or untrained photographer handles them inaccurately. You should always select an experienced and professionally trained photo artist.

You can search for them on Google or social media, read the reviews. I highly recommend to connect over the phone and have a talk and request an in-person consultation at their studio. It will help you to understand whether they are professional or not. How well equipped their studio is and what all safety protocols they follow!

Besides, it is important to know whether the photographer you are considering loves to work with babies and in which genre they have expertise in. Do ask a lot of questions and a good photographer will be open and welcoming to answer your queries.

My recommendation is to ensure that you ask these questions to everyone you are thinking about before you finalise your booking.

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Question #1 – Do you specialize in Newborn Photography?

Experience and Specialization is a relative term. Maybe the “photographer” has shot her/his children and the babies born to friends and family. With this “experience”, she/he jump-starts her/his own newborn baby photography business.

While I respect that we all must begin someplace, I will ensure the photographer I choose has a minimum experience of two to three years as an expert in baby photography, along with the training and certifications and must have handled a minimum of 25 newborn babies.

Question #2 – Do you have Newborn Safety Training or Certification?

To be precise, the wellbeing and safety of your baby have to be the first thing during the photoshoot. Babies are resilient; however, they are also delicate and can be placed in dangerously different ways to get those fantastic poses if the photographer is not trained, attentive, and knowledgeable.

I would suggest you go through the websites of the photographer and get some information about the kind of safety training they have gone through and the experience they have. For instance, About Me, page ought to have information relating to training, accreditations, and photography-related associations they’re a part of. You can also ask them on a call more about the training and courses they have gone through.

A safe photoshoot is a basic ingredient to the experience for you and your baby. On the off chance that you eventually choose to do without an expert and take photographs at home, I would advise you to please keep it simple and do not try innovative poses as that will jeopardize the safety of the newborn.

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Question #3 – Is the studio area sanitized between the two sessions?

Not only now when we have COVID-19 like epidemic going around but otherwise as well. With their pristine, delicate invulnerable frameworks, it is critical that sterilization measures are taken and all professionals working with baby are healthy and the studio is spotless.

Just to inform you, I evacuate my rings and consistently wash my hands before photoshoots, and also keep a bottle of hand sanitizer close by before contacting the baby. Even though it can be a botheration for the clients, I generally reschedule a photoshoot session in case I’m not well. Baby’s safety and wellbeing are paramount to me!

Question #4 – How do you create complex baby poses?

Experienced and proficient newborn photographers will have the option to give instances of how they pose the babies in the photograph in which the baby poses appear to oppose gravity.

They will be open to talking about poses with you and how they securely handle newborns and how they can make a particular pose that you are looking at.

Clue – many newborn baby images that you see around might have been created digitally or created carefully using composite photography techniques which involves joining of two or three photographs together. 

You should know:

  • None of the photographers should force your newborn to any pose which makes them uncomfortable or put them in danger.
  • No baby should ever be relied upon to support its head or body, be suspended, or put in a container or box which is not stable.
  • The baby should be relaxed and comfortable consistently, and 100% safe.

Question #5 – What precautions do you take to ensure the baby is safe during the photoshoot?

Baby safety, taking care of, and appropriate posing is very important during the photoshoot! Your baby must be treated with adoration, care, and regard. While they’re sweet and flexible, numerous safety measures must be taken to guard them. Keeping newborn content is additionally significant. Following are a few ways I follow and recommend to ensure safety during the photoshoots:

  • The studio should be kept at around 25-27 degrees Celcius since the newborn will be naked for a while during the photoshoot. They can’t manage their internal heat level just as a grown-up so this keeps them warm.
  • The studio should be sanitized to the tee and each thing should be cleaned between the two photoshoots. This incorporates wiping the surfaces with Lysol, clearing out the trash can, splashing entryway handles with disinfectant, washing all clothes and materials in a baby-friendly cleanser, and cleaning or washing out all props with a delicate cleanser so they’re perfect for the following newborn photoshoot.
  • Bases of baskets, crates, and buckets should be weighted down with weight so that newborn never tips forward and is never in any danger.
  • Studio space should be kept smoke-free.
  • Newborn should not be left unattended even for a brief moment. Always have an eye over the baby.
  • Being careful with the baby and understand the cues so as not to strain their muscles or joints.
  • Always remember the newborn’s comfort in mind. If the baby is not comfortable in a pose, never rush or force them into a pose. It isn’t reasonable to force them into a pose or prop if they’re uncomfortable.
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Question #6 – What age of baby do you work with? Are you comfortable with premature babies?

It might seem to be a silly question to ask, however, baby photographers have their own inclinations with regards to explicit age groups of newborns to work with. Some lean toward babies to be under about fourteen days old so as to get the nestled or curled up poses, others will cheerfully have babies a lot more established than this, occasionally even as long as 5 weeks old, though a few shots may not be achievable. To be honest with you, not all photographers are open to working with premature babies since they are very delicate.

This would be a decent inquiry to pose regardless of not knowing whether this will be significant for your situation until after the birth. It’s a good question to know so that you are ready in case any need arises.

Question #7 – What if my newborn doesn’t settle or sleep during the photoshoot?

This, in general, is a common question. Here are a few reasons why you shouldn’t stress over what the newborn will do on the day of the photoshoot:

If mothers take stress, it reflects on babies too and we don’t want that! So remain calm and ensure you adhere to all the readiness guidelines that your professional photographer has suggested.

The experienced baby photographers will realize how to pacify the newborn, it’ll be simply a question of time until your little one will nod off.

One more motivation behind why you shouldn’t be concerned is the way that some baby photographers are also mothers (as am I), so we are able to understand and get along with babies well.

Confirm from your photographer if they have an area for you to feed the baby in between the shoot so that he/she can feel secure and comfortable. And in case, if you or baby is not well is there any provision of rescheduling the session.

Good wrapping your newborn always works! That is the manner by which I start my photoshoots and majority of professional photographers too, so if your photographer doesn’t do as such, you can generally make this recommendation.

It would be ideal to note that clear communication is the key, just as meeting or talking to your newborn photographer before the photoshoot.

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Question #8 – What kind of photoshoot you do: posed or lifestyle?

Every newborn photographer has his/her own style so it’s crucial that you research well and check out the portfolio ahead of time to ensure that the style is as per your requirements.

Natural or Lifestyle portraits are candid shoots where posing is at minimal and have the realistic side to them while catching a few snapshots of the newborn and new family in their own particular manner.

“Posed” photographs are regularly done in a studio, utilize a beanbag and props for posing the newborn. Commonly, the majority of the photographs will be of the newborn alone.

Personally, I love both the styles however, the majority of the parents do ask for posed photoshoots. Consider which you might want best and inquire as to whether they share your vision.

Question #9 – Price OR quality!

The first thing I would agree on here is that I realize everybody has a budget! However, I would recommend not to choose your newborn photographer depending on the lowest cost. Rather, you should ensure that you really like the work of the photographer and would be cheerful in showing similar photographs in your home.

There is an undeniable value in a better quality, luxury service that leaves parents feeling absolutely certain about the experience and photographs they are investing in. Let me tell you that it generally takes 30+ long hours of work before your photographs are prepared for you to appreciate them (the consultations, the photoshoot, proper editing, and so on.).

Also, after your wedding, this is the most significant occasion in your life and you’ll never have this time back again, so I recommend you to archive these moments appropriately the first time itself.

Well, other than that there are various packages offered by photographers. A few newborn photographers charge one set base expense with the alternative to update. Some have package options in which they sell only digital files, others will have only prints.

You need to ask yourself what makes a difference most to you, would you simply like to put photographs online? Or on the other hand, do you need a portrait in your home? Does your photographer offer exclusive albums or help you get high/professional-quality prints for your photographs? These are things to consider.

So these were the tips which you can keep handy whenever planning a Newborn Photoshoot. You can also share these with someone known who might find these useful.

Hope the tips will help you to schedule your Newborn Photoshoot in a more informed manner. Thank you so much for stopping by!

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What is best time for Maternity Photoshoot Session? 5 (9)

What is best time for Maternity Photoshoot Session? 5 (9)

What is the Best Time for Maternity Photoshoot?

Maternity portrait photoshoots are generally done somewhere between 30 and 36 weeks (seventh or eight months of pregnancy).

For twins or more, it is better to schedule it somewhere between 26 and 32 weeks (sixth or seventh months of pregnancy).

“What is the best time for maternity photoshoot?” is something I get asked a LOT. One thing you undoubtedly need is a bump sufficiently large to nearly be the superstar yet slick enough so you can comfortably stand, pose and enjoy with your other half without it causing any hardwork for you.

Maternity photoshoots are about you, capturing you as you sprout into parenthood. There’s a wonderful aura about you when you are pregnant, an internal concentration and satisfaction, that you are accomplishing something so unfathomably stunning, you’re making new life inside your body.

It’s likewise about your journey as a family. I expect you must be having some gorgeous photos of your wedding, since that is the place your family’s journey started. A maternity photoshoot is about capturing the next step, those prior weeks you and your spouse become a family, bound together perpetually through the awesome moments and, let’s be honest, preliminaries of parenthood.

So despite the fact that you need a decent measured bump to flaunt, during the end of last tri-semester your baby will grow a great deal and your energy levels will be low. We do want to capture the beautiful glow on you and well shaped bump but ensuring that baby is safe and without too much hassle or exhertion for you.

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As you can envision, planning your professional pregnancy photography requires a touch of creative workmanship and ideas brought to life through technical aspects of photography – I go much more beyond arranging the ideal poses, props and lighting for you, as I love to weave in all little details to make the whole experience stand out for you. You really need to schedule your session to experience that beautiful feeling.

Babies have their own thoughts regarding when they’re entering the scene, which can mean moms can get into labor weeks before they aniticipate. While it’s never too late to take newborn baby photographs, it’s impossible to capture maternity photographs after the baby is born!

Thus, we advice to plan maternity photoshoots between week 30 and week 36. There are extra reasons why this timeframe makes the perfect window for the most amazing and precious photos.

While this is an average, a few variables may impact that time period:

  • If you’re hoping to utilize your maternity photographs for baby shower invitations, I suggest doing your maternity photoshoot as ahead of schedule as 27 – 28 weeks.
  • If you are anticipating twins or more, I suggest doing maternity photoshoot during your second trimester (between week 26 and week 32). Your baby bump will seem greater since you are carrying mutiple babies and you will still feel good.
  • Any pregnancy issues, if you have will also impact when to schedule the session and usually taking advise from your gynaec is ideal in such cases.
  • Your accessibility is another factor which impact the time frame.

Exceptional note: The ideal time to book your maternity photoshoot is towards the start of your second-trimester; and during the maternity photoshoot, you can schedule your newborn baby photoshoot – making it as a combo plan, which gives you an excellent incentive for your investment with us.

You feel extremely extraordinary, can move around serenely and securely and are not stressed to give birth between week 30 to week 36

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The objective of a maternity photoshoot is to capture the most undiluted essence of your pregnancy – the glow, the bump and the enchantment of a body that can develop and feed a baby. This implies if everything is fine we would like to hold up until the third trimester.

The precarious part about holding up is that most mothers find the third trimester a bit cumbersome. Mostly you might feel extraordinary, can move pretty easily and appreciate the sensations of your baby’s movements in the first half. While in the second half when resting for extended lengths is testing, your body starts feeling somewhat bulky and tiring.

By focusing on the first half of the third trimester – between weeks 30 and 36, we commend the forms of your beautiful baby bump – during a timespan when you’re feeling extremely extraordinary and not stressed over and you can move serenely and securely.


Exceptional note: In the event that you understand that you need to do a pregnancy photoshoot when you are 38 weeks, I generally attempt to accommodate the request if the schedule permits and advice to only have a studio shoot and not outdoor. Eventually, tuning in to your body and how it is changing is vital and timing your maternity shoot as needs be is the most ideal choice.

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Ease of moving around is important

During the maternity photoshoot it is very vital that you can move securely around the photography area. Most of my maternity photoshoots occur in excellent, open air areas around beaches or green spaces (no light is better than that given by the Mother Nature). In this way, your physical solace and wellbeing are a first concern.

In the event that you are 36-week and ahead, the stomach feels too-huge for-your-comfort, you will make some hard memories moving around and holding infrequent stances without breaking a sweat as you would have half a month earlier (A run off the mill maternity photoshoot takes around one and a half hour. Also, since security is very important at this juncture, your strong balance and comfort is proportional to your comfort of the movement.)

To ensure that you are comfortable, Amrit Ammu Photography provides the choice of  the excellent maternity photoshoot outfits and props you’ll require for your photoshoot. Hence, there’s no compelling reason to buy anything. Simply book your session with ours or your preferred hair and make-up artist and wear something comfortable – our outfits will do the rest.

If you are prepared to book your timeless maternity photoshoot with a professional photographer who will flawlessly preserve your journey to parenthood for a lifetime, I recommend that you get in touch with me, Amrit, here at Amrit Ammu Photography as quickly as time permits. Being experienced and internationally certified in newborn baby safety and photography techniques with a passion in heart to create stunning imagery for you, I ensure that we capture those magical moments together.

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